Thursday, October 27, 2016

It's TIME!!

Or so they exclaim as they announce the main event in a UFC event inside the fighting octagon.

It's time for me to get my "Out Loud," out loud concerning the current political state of things.

I'm finding it more and more difficult to understand how conservatives come to their conclusions. Very little of it makes any sense what so ever to me.


The religious right claims to be pro-life, yet they want to de-fund a helpful medical service like planned parenthood. And listen, Hillary and I and most liberals are not pro abortion. We're pro constitutional right to choose. I've been through this with my first wife who aborted our second child. I didn't like it one bit but it was her right.


Hillary and I are heterosexual and married. We're not pro Gay marriage, but again, we are pro constitutional right to get or not get gay married as you'd like.


Hillary and I support your constitutional right to own guns under the 2nd amendment. We just feel that people are going to murder whether with their hands, poison, knives or guns etc. So, just as seat-belts were added to automobiles for your safety and the results are less lives lost. So too should we apply safety measures on the accessibility of guns to those who should not qualify. Like those on terror watch lists, no fly lists, suffering from mental disorders with better back ground checks and closing the gun show and internet loop holes. I served in the Marine Corps and shot guns from small to huge and I can tell you from experience no one needs an automatic weapon to hunt Bambi or protect their home. So, AR-15's, AK-47's et al and anything capable of a 15 round clip or higher should be banned from non military availability. Now as far as the police having these things and being militarized. We know that some thugs are going to get these weapons regardless of controls on our system and we don't want our protectors out gunned. (note to real gun radicals... you can not protect yourself from the military so forget the idea of a local militia against governmental tyranny)
In the end, all we can do is limit the ability of people to kill. We'll have murders but lets reduce the mass in size.


This country was not founded on Christian principals. In fact we were formed to escape a theocracy. Our constitution was formed to prevent governing from a religious stand point. It protects all of us with the right to choose which God we'd like to consider as our super hero / savior. It also clearly separates the church from the state. So, choosing to not afford your employees healthcare like birth control because it makes your choice of a God angry is unconstitutional! If you're going to have governing from a religious view, which all of them discount the other ones, then we might as well live in Iran and be under religious run sharia law. If you don't get that, then you're just unlawful, un-constitutional, un-American.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness....

It's high time for equal pay for women and equal employment opportunities for for those who have transgressed and paid their debt to society. This scarlet letter forever bull shit has got to stop. And helping the less fortunate is not only what the religions should do but the government with your tax dollars as well. There is a hell of a lot more corporate welfare than there is among the millions of little people. It's time for Blacks and Hispanics to be given equal footing. The browning of America is happening folks! You'd be best off if you'd let that sink in, besides just being a human and learning acceptance of all peoples. It's time for the 1% to pay their share of taxes. Period.


To sum it up, if you don't like gay marriage, don't get gay married. If you don't like abortion, don't get an abortion. If you want to own guns, own guns, but you're not going to have the ability to murder in as large a numbers as maybe you'd like. If you just can't bring yourself to serve someone unlike you from your business, you're breaking the law and should not be permitted to serve any one. Listen, you can choose your friends and whom you invite to the gatherings at your home. But in public you will abide by the rule of law governed by the constitution!

I don't understand any person, especially a woman choosing to support someone like Trump who clearly appears to be the opposite of all he claims to be. He strongly resembles the "white guys in ties" that have gotten things so screwed up. He strongly resembles words like Bully, Womanizer, Disrespectful, Narcissist, Vulgar, Dishonest and a general Train Wreck. Even if you despise Hillary Clinton!

I was a right wing conservative for most of my life and not due to critical thinking. I was just ushered into it due to the military. But I learned to be accepting, no matter my religious views or personally held beliefs that the constitution and equality are far more important than any idea of a deity and the law of the land I love so much.


It's finished :)

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