Friday, November 11, 2016

In Poker, there's always a tell...


This election has upset a lot of people. Not only the majority in the U.S. but around the world as well. I've thought long and hard and will continue to contemplate the "WHY." But I find it less and less important as the days go by.

The implication, the aftermath, what we'll deal with in the near and long lasting future takes up more of my head space. I'm a bleeding heart Liberal. I'm a natural born white male United State citizen who also happens to be a Disabled Veteran. It hardly gets any more privileged than that. And I have never in my life, even after crawling through muck in Marine Corps Training have I ever felt the need to take a shower and just linger to wash the muck away than I have with the recent election results.

Okay, so I'm an optimist. One of the things that my wife admires about me most. I watched the press conference of the post President Obama and President Elect Trump meeting. Typically, The President was his classy self and most interested in what's best for the country. Trump was cordial, impressed and obviously over his head. But I believe all men who have entered the Oval Office for the first time knowing they will be at the Helm, have had that feeling. Especially an outsider to the Political realm.

(I hope one day in my life time, a woman gets to experience the same feeling.)

So Trump commented that President Obama was a good man. He was impressed. He stated that the President had shared with him vital, helpful information and some of the "high flying perks."

And there's the tell. I didn't see it at the time. I was impressed that Trump was outclassed and rather humble about it. That he acknowledged feeling appreciative of the President's helpfulness, albeit in the interest of the Country. And that Trump clearly stated he looked forward to "hopefully" many more meetings to learn the ropes of being an "insider" and as counsel. That last one really got me. I mean wow. Trump is interested in help from any direction, even from the perceived enemy.

The Tell...

Today I see in the news that Governor/Vice President Elect Pence has been named by Trump to be the transition coordinator or some such title, replacing the formerly named Governor from New Jersey Chris Christie. (can I roll my eyes at that selection now?... Thanks)

So back to the Tell... When I watched the Presidential Nominee's debates there was a Tell. When Trump stated that Secretary Clinton was a "such a nasty woman," in the immediate moment afterward, he smugly smiled. I could see the satisfaction in his face and it was disturbing. Then he straightened up and went back to the interested squint because Hillary didn't skip a beat and continued with her points.

With the assignment of Pence as the "Transition Grand Poo Bah," and Trump's same smug little satisfactory look after the "high flying perks" remark, I'm feeling as though Trump was as I first assumed" not really interested in governing in the first place but more interested in the power, the prestige, the perks and the ability to continue his life style at the expense of the tax payer. Not that he's ever paid his fair share as he's admitted and blamed the ability on Hillary. I'm absolutely sure he'll close those loop holes. NOT!!!! He'll be planning golf outings and various other outings with whom can tolerate him to gallivant the globe..

Pence is a religious lunatic of the most extreme measure. Anyone who would embrace "conversion therapy is truly out of touch, other worldly, fantasizing about some mythological deity and it's idea of human life. And the sickest person is the one who doesn't know they're sick. As Dr. Phil states, you can't fix what you won't acknowledge.

Note to those who voted for the "outsider." Game over! The ultimate insider has just been assigned! In two years when your asses are puckering from the growing national debt and higher taxes, remember I said this... "Rectum? Hell it nearly Killed em!" Bend over and say "Thank you sir, may I have another."

While I hurt for the fringes of our society in both the short and long term, I'm hoping and realizing that Trump can't deliver on his promises. As President Obama stated, the Presidency "amplifies" you. I have zero expectation that the office will change Trump. Pence has made it to the top of the totem pole and will be dancing on the streets of gold with jewels in his crown one day in his fantasy.

The evolution of our society will continue slowly but surely. Hillary won the popular vote and still lost. It's happened four times before and might happen again. I'm hoping Trump pulls the Rethuglican party down with him. That there is a mid term progress in 2018 for the liberals in both houses and that somebody has enough capitalistic sense to make Trump and Pence Voodoo dolls and offer them from an Etsy store, appear on Shark Tank and make it to QVC and HSN and become an over night multi millionaire!

I almost titled this post, "I'm mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it any more!" But all of us are going to take it. Right up the wazoo. Some will like it but many more will not. I'm sad, I'm hurt and I'm angry. But I have zero worries about me, but for the society I live in. I know, in time, we will continue to evolve beyond this set back. It is inevitable. You and I must believe this. The constitutional equality promised long ago will come. It will come either by peace or violence but it will come.  Likely by a little of both. Keep your head down and as a wise old sage of a write Tommy Tomlinson wrote, "we still have to go rake the leaves" and as the best blogger I've ever read, Jim Wright of Stonekettle Station writes, "it doesn't matter why, it matters what you're going to do about it."

(: - :)

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