Monday, August 13, 2018

Life in the key of A


I've traveled with Anita west to east from Hawaii to Ghana and north to south from Alaska to the Caribbean.

It's definitely been an Adventure.

This journey with Myasthenia Gravis is quite the journey with Anita.
I've been the Kite and she's been the String keeping me tethered, grounded and calm.

Now I function to rein her in so as not to over do and cause an MG crisis. She can get to feeling good, a most welcome change to the past month of complete anguish over physical struggles and nearly depleted hope. But the curtain has been lifted and with light at the end of the tunnel, she's raring to go, when able.

It's a battlefield of the mind. As Jill Bolte Taylor explains, we're responsible for the energy we bring into a room. Attitude is everything.

Optimistic can do attitudes believe and hope for a better future while Accepting the current circumstance.

Acknowledging that the road is not going to be smooth, but navigable nonetheless.

All the Answers are not readily Apparent but we can embrace the mystery and cling to one another through the valleys and celebrate the bright sunny days.

There are times when you'll feel overwhelmed like an Avalanche is Attacking you from every direction. Your emotions can wash over you like tidal waves and your thoughts can turn dark.

It can be quite difficult observing the love of your life endure such an onslaught. The once vibrant strength waning under it's pressure. Wearing you down and stealing your hope.

It can be, but the proper response is to fight it. Refuse to give it a foothold. Step into the ring and fight for the weakened one. Stand in the way, encourage, deflect the negativity.

Ask not what your doctors can do for you. Ask what you can do for your doctors.

Act or behave your way to success.

There is nothing you can not Achieve.

There is no thing that is good that is not Accessible.

Anita Tarlton is the most wonderful human I've ever known. She is dealing with limitations to features that are at the very essence of her.

She's always been stoic and now she's emotional.
She's always been a communicator and now it fatigues her.
She's always been crafty and now it saps her strength.
She's always been an eater and now chewing is laborious.
She's always been adventurous and now she's slowed down.
She's always been a singer and now she's a whisperer.

Her words, her Ability to write in a style that takes you there has not diminished.
Her loving heart has not disappeared.
Her Appreciation of others has not dissipated.
Her life is Adapting to a new normal.

She is my All. She is the one I Admire most. I lover her Always in All ways.

She is, my wonderful life, in the key of A

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