Sunday, September 30, 2018

2v1 Predictability.


I've previously blogged about a couple of days while in the Marine Corps titled "Bad day part one" and "Bad day part two."  Today's title, "2v1 Imagine" is about MG. Myasthenia Gravis, an incurable autoimmune disease which my wife is diagnosed with.
Bottom line, with MG you need 2 down/restful days to have one full/eventful day, at best.

From the outside looking in, a living with / caretaker views Anita as being fully capable of handling her own affairs. And if there were no other option, she'd certainly find a way.

MG sufferers like any other battling some limiting force, find a way.

It's not necessarily debilitating but it is requiring of major adjustment.

There is something you want to plan to attend. You look at the calendar and you begin to understand with a bit of experience with MG that you must employ a 2v1 tactic.

You have to plan on a day of rest before and a day of rest after the date you plan a day out and about.

Now imagine you have the need to work, to earn income to put food on the table and pay the rent.

We're not in that situation, yet many are.

I'm sharing what Anita is sharing.

We are learning. This is a journey.

It'd be nice to believe that this is the new normal.

But we really don't know and it may be that we'll never know.

Yet all we really seek is  predictability.

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