I'm cutting the grass today, all the racket blocks the varying thoughts in my bipolar mind and I'm able to just let thoughts flow in a cohesive manner. Ralph Moore had and evidently still has an impact on my life.
He introduced me to Jesus and though contact has been rare over the course of the last 32 years, the influence is still there. Because I trust Ralph Moore. I trust the Jesus in him.
I'd been married three times prior and would have it no other way than what I thought was the formula for the right way for a change than to fly from the east cost to Hawaii to be married by Ralph to my new love (celebrating 13 years together 11 married and life has never been better.)
My beliefs took a 180. I just can't handle the OT God killing, the discrepancies in the NT and today's political evangelical climate, so I tossed the baby out with the bath water. I always admitted Jesus changed my life I just didn't buy the deity. I see it as a stepping stone. Being set free from the system the church has become in my eyes. I see secular views and the rule of law better serving society.
This year I've found out through DNA my 36 year old one and only son is not my son. He was fathered by a friend. We maintain the friendship.
My wife has been diagnosed with an incurable rare autoimmune disease (Myasthenia Gravis). We visited the ER three times in a month and I had to administer CPR to her for 20 minutes on our living room floor while twice I watched her eyes roll back in her head, her lips turn blue and thoughts of losing her flooded my mind.
My wife and Ralph are the best examples of Jesus I've ever encountered. Christ in them are my anchors. I can remember verbatim, sermons from 30+ years ago by Ralph. My wife has allowed me the room to toss my beliefs even though they were strong in bringing us together, having formed a water purification ministry to Ghana West Africa early on.
But my love and admiration for her and hers for me carries on. It strengthens as we appreciate and reciprocate and wholly accept one another.
I don't know or believe that Jesus is God. But I remember a sermon where Ralph said that we were marked, a deposit had been made and one where he spoke of an anchor for boats off the coast near the Rock of Gibraltar, using the metaphor for Jesus and how he wanted Hope Chapel to be like that anchor. I do believe him still. That the deposit made, regardless of what I accept today as truth or fact, is intact. That it would never be withdrawn in my doubt.
Thank you Ralph, even though some times (often) I scoff at your endless efforts to plant churches in this mad mad world. I believe you're what you've wanted to be. A vessel of an anchor of Hope. A steadfast Influence. A true Friend.
2 Corinthians 1:21-22
Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge.
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